Solgar Multi-Nutrient

Prema procjenama, tržište dodataka prehrani će se u periodu manjem od jednog desetljeća udvostručiti. Očekivano, vitamini su najzastupljeniji, no predviđanja za navedeni period pokazuju da će najveći rast potražnje imati segment proteina i aminokiselina.1 Interes se tako pomiče na druge nutrijente, možda i ne toliko poznate. Upravo kombinaciju raznolikih nutrijenta, čak više od 50 njih, […]
For Men: How to Support Muscle & Joint Health As You Age

Chances are you’ve noticed some changes in your body as you age — including changes to your muscles and joints. If you enjoy being active, these changes can be particularly frustrating. Thankfully, there are things you can do to support muscle and joint health as you age. Let’s take a look at how aging affects […]
Staying Hip: 5 Tips for Supporting Hip Joint Health with Age

You may not think about your hip joints often, but they are an important part of your body. Your hip joints help you stand, sit, walk, and bend. But as you age, they may feel stiff or cause occasional discomfort. The good news? There’s a lot you can do to support healthy, mobile, and strong […]
9 Vitamins & Supplements That Support Healthy Aging*

There’s no such thing as “anti-aging” — aging is inevitable. But some vitamins and supplements can help you age healthily, from helping with recall and short-term memory‡ to improving stiff joints and mobility.* If you’re over the age of 45, keep reading to learn more about vitamins and supplements that can help make aging an enjoyable […]